Website Map
Navigazione principale
- Home
- Environment and clean technologies
- Sustainable energy conversion and clean storage
- Quality of life and health
- Digital transformation and industrial transitions
- Technology for space applications and research
- Fundamental scientific research
Scientific Sectors
Scientific Sectors
- Acoustics and ultrasounds Acoustics and ultrasounds
Electromagnetic fields and systems
Electromagnetic fields and systems
- Activities Activities
- High DC and AC voltage and HV impedance laboratory
- Anechoic chamber for calibration of antennas and field sensors and reference electromagnetic fields
- Shielded chamber for calibration of EMC devices
- Electromagnetic devices and metrology for e-mobility
- Devices for the electrical system
- Low and medium frequency electric and magnetic fields laboratory
- High-performance electromagnetic computing laboratory
- Current transducers laboratory
- Electromagnetic dosimetry laboratory
- Ongoing projects
- Completed projects
- Physical chemistry and nanotechnology Physical chemistry and nanotechnology
Quantum electronics
Quantum electronics
- Laboratories Laboratories
- Caratterizzazione di materiali e dispositivi per la metrologia elettrica quantistica
- Campioni quantistici di resistenza e impedenza elettrica
- Quantum radiation and metrology in the RF&MW regime
- Campioni nazionali di potenza, tensione e corrente elettrica in regime alternato nel nuovo SI
- Practical realization of Ampere: single electrons and traceability of currents in the lowest range
- Campione nazionale quantistico di tensione elettrica in regime continuo e alternato
- Ongoing projects
- Completed projects
- Magnetism, Materials and Spintronics Magnetism, Materials and Spintronics
Length metrology
Length metrology
- Angles measurements for research and industrial applications
- Combined optical and X-ray interferometery
- Coordinate metrology
- Dimensional nanometrology
- Length metrology at the atomic scale
- Metrology of functional surfaces
- Realization of the SI mass unit through the Planck constant
- Sub-nanometer laser interferometry
- Laboratories Laboratories
- Ongoing projects
- Completed projects
- Metrology of Mass and Related Quantities Metrology of Mass and Related Quantities
- Electrical and electronic measurements Electrical and electronic measurements
- Quantum optics and Photometry Quantum optics and Photometry
- Nanoscale science and technology Nanoscale science and technology
- Biomedical sciences and technologies Biomedical sciences and technologies
- Time and frequency Time and frequency
- Applied thermodynamics Applied thermodynamics
Physical thermodynamics
Physical thermodynamics
- Activities Activities
- Primary Contact Thermometry
- Cryogenic thermometry
- Primary Standard Radiation Thermometry
- Radiation Thermometry Calibration
- IR Techniques for Thermometry and Radiative Properties
- Acoustic thermometry and thermodynamic temperature standards
- Contact thermometry for industry
- Termometria fotonica
- Standards for trace water in pure and energy gases
- Primary standards for humidity and air temperature
- Characterization of digital sensors / mems measuring thermal and hygrometric quantities – metrology for digitalization
- Thermophysical properties of fluids
- Saturation vapor pressure measurements of water and refrigerant fluids. Measurements in real humid gases
- Completed projects
- Primary standards
- Projects Projects
- INRiM for PNRR
Open Science
Open Science
Guida all'accesso aperto
Guida all'accesso aperto
- Pubblicare in open access
Prima di pubblicare
Prima di pubblicare
- La Piattaforma Open Research Europe (ORE) e open peer-review
- Utilizzo di identificatori persistenti (ORCID e DOI)
- CoARA e la riforma Europea della valutazione della Ricerca
- Attenzione all'editoria "predatoria"
- Contratti trasformativi ovvero come pubblicare in Open Access senza pagare APC aggiuntive
- Contratti trasformativi attivi all’INRiM
- Dopo la pubblicazione Dopo la pubblicazione
- Guida alla gestione dei dati della ricerca Guida alla gestione dei dati della ricerca
- Open Science INRiM Policies
- Contatti/Contacts
Guida all'accesso aperto
Guida all'accesso aperto
- Metrological services
- Technological services
- Software and databases
- Library Library
Early career in metrology
Early career in metrology
Training offer
Training offer
- Electromagnetic dosimetry in MRI: computational and experimental methods
- Evaluation of uncertainty in measurement
- Experimental quantum computation
- Fundaments of metrology
- Introduction to Atomic Physics
- Magnetism, magnetic materials and measurements
- Mathematical-Physical Theory of Electromagnetism
- Measurements and Metrology for Smart Electricity Grids
- Metrology for Electromobility
- Quantum electronics for metrology
- The measurement of electrical impedance
- Thermal measurement and control methods
- Ph.D. Scholarships
- Ph.D. in Metrology
- National Ph.D. Programme
- Master in Quantum Communication and Computing
Training offer
Training offer
- Internships and theses
- Laboratory visits
Early career in metrology
Early career in metrology
- About us About us