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1,300 Printed periodicals
Online subscriptions to more than 3,000 titles from scientific publishers

22,000 printed monographic volumes:

  • 19,000 monographs purchased to support research in the fields of electrical engineering, radio technology, photometry, acoustics, physics, and metrology
  • 2,000 funds donated by scholars who collaborated with the Institute (Ottani, Aimo, Ferro, Soleri, Lavagnino, Deaglio, Morelli, Zin, Lombardi, Sartori, Vallauri, Chiodi, Steni)
  • 1,750 books of the ENEL Fund

Collection of ebooks available in-house

Documents and manuscripts by and about Galileo Ferraris (with specific catalogue)

Documents and manuscripts by and about Gustavo Colonnetti

Historical scientific journals:

  • L’éléctricien since 1881
  • The electrical world since 1893
  • L’elettricità 1889

500 master degree theses
