Primary standards for humidity and air temperature
Campioni primari di umidità e di temperatura dell'aria

The laboratory deals with the maintenance and improvement of the primary standards for hygrometry and air temperature and the dissemination of the related quantities and units.

Calibration services are offered for:

  • Instruments / sensors / transducers measuring dew/frost temperature.
    • Standard: Primary humid gas generator
      • Working range: from -85 °Cfp to 95 °Cdp. (*)
  • Instruments / sensors / transducers measuring relative humidity.
    • Standard: 2P-2T primary relative-humidity generator
      • Working range: from 10 %rh to 95 %rh between -10 °C and 70 °C of air temperature .
  • Instruments / sensors / transducers measuring air temperature.
    • Standard: Facility equipped with thermostatic chamber with sub-volume and temperature reference system traceable to ITS-90.
      • Working range: from -70 °C to 180 ° C. (*)

The laboratory organizes inter-laboratory comparisons (ILC) for the above quantities and for climatic and thermostatic chambers and enclosures; It also offers metrological consultancy and scientific research collaborations to industry and the PPAA. The measurement and calibration capabilities (CMC) for the quantities dew / frost temperature, relative humidity and air temperature are demonstrated by the participation in key and supplementary comparisons of the CIPM, are internationally recognized and published in the CIPM-MRA database.

(*): Range not fully covered by CMC.


Denis Smorgon