Laboratory Q015 - Nanofacility Piemonte
Laboratorio Q015 Nanofacility Piemonte

The Nanofacility Piemonte laboratory works on nanofabrication using ion and electron beams. It was set up in 2009 thanks to financial support from the Compagnia di San Paolo. It includes two electron microscopes:

1) a Dual Beam ESEM FEG Quanta 3D™ equipped with a Ga+ ion beam, four Kleindiek Nanoteknik nanomanipulators, two Gas Injector Systems, one at Pt and the other at SiOx, and J.G. Nabity's NanoPattern Generator System for nanolithography.

2) an Inspect F™ EGF equipped with EDAX microanalysis and J.G. Nabity's NanoPattern Generator System for nanolithography.

Both pieces of equipment are from FEI Thermofisher.


Luca Boarino