The term Open Access refers to the promotion of practices for sharing and disseminating scientific knowledge through free access to research results.
INRiM and Open Access
INRiM embraces the principles of full and open access to scientific literature and promotes the free dissemination of research results produced at the Institute, in compliance with the Italian Open Access Law n. 112/2013, to ensure the widest possible dissemination. This is outlined in the "Institutional Policy on Open Access to Scientific Publications", approved by the Board of Directors on October 13, 2020. INRiM also actively promotes open access to scientific literature by organizing and supporting periodic training initiatives.
The European Commission and Open Access
The European Commission supports Open Access publication of research results funded by its projects and provides infrastructures and guidelines for depositing them in open access institutional repositories, particularly through the OpenAIRE project.
Open Access is the primary publishing method required by mandates of funding bodies for national and European research projects. Specifically, for projects funded under the “Horizon 2020” and “Horizon Europe” framework programs, publications resulting from research activities must be disseminated through Open Access (free and available online), as mandated by clause 29.2 of theMulti-beneficiary Grant Agreement: "Each beneficiary must ensure open access (free of charge online access for any user) to all peer-reviewed scientific publications relating to its results." Therefore, anyone receiving EU funding must ensure open access to all peer-reviewed publications presenting the results of funded or co-funded projects. The Journal Checker Tool, developed by Plan S, is available to verify that scientific journals comply with the open access requirements of funders.