Laboratory of gravimetric gaseous mixtures and organic analysis
Miscele gassose gravimetriche e analisi organica

The laboratory activity deals with the development of primary methods to prepare reference gas mixtures for environmental pollutants and analytical methods to determine organic micropollutants in environmental matrices.

It is equipped with a facility to prepare gravimetric gas mixtures in 5-liter aluminum alloy cylinders: such facility is composed by a system to fill in and evacuate the cylinders and by an apparatus for high precision weighing. In addition to gravimetric preparation, a system to generate gas mixtures by dynamic dilutions by means of Mass Flow Controllers is also present. Moreover, the laboratory is provided with specific gas analysers for carbon and nitrogen oxides and with a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) equipped with a multiple path gas cell.

As for organic micropollutants determination, the laboratory is provided with both Soxhlet and accelerated solvent (ASE) extractors and a with a gas-chromatograph coupled with a single quadrupole mass spectrometer. A coulometric Karl Fischer titration system to assess the water content in pure compounds and solvents is also present.


Michela Sega