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Completed projects
Elenco progetti


Metrology for Testing the Implementation Security of Quantum Key Distribution Hardware

Quantum Metrology and Nanotechnologies

EMN-Q European Metrology Network for Quantum Technologies

QN Quantum Metrology and Nanotechnologies
ROCIT Yb optical clock

The ROCIT project aims to increase the robustness of optical clocks and provides for a coordinated program of international comparisons, also by optical fiber.

QN Metrologia quantistica e nanotecnologie
Schematic of the POP clock setup. The three packages, optics (OP), physics (PP),  and electronics (EP) are indicated with dashed frames.

Industrialization of the Rubidium Pulsed Optically Pumped Clock

QN Metrologia quantistica e nanotecnologie
TIFOON italian quantum backbone

Advanced time/frequency comparison and dissemination through optical telecommunication networks

QN Metrologia quantistica e nanotecnologie
Frequency comb NEXTLASERS

Next generation ultrastable lasers: reducing thermal noise limit and overcoming technical limitations with new materials and technologies

Quantum Metrology and Nanotechnologies
WRITE needs White rabbit

The aim of the WRITE project is to demonstrate all the metrological steps necessary for the industrial adoption of the White Rabbit Precision Time Protocol (PTP-WR).

QN Metrologia quantistica e nanotecnologie

Facility ad elevata accuRAtezza Temporale pEr espeRimeNti di fISicafondamEntale

Quantum Metrology and Nanotechnology
Ultra-stable optical oscillators from quantum coherent and entangled systems USOQS

Ultra-stable optical oscillators from quantum coherent and entangled systems

QN Metrologia quantistica e nanotecnologie

Sviluppo di sistemi e tecnologie quantistiche per la sicurezza informatica in reti di comunicazione

QN Metrologia quantistica e nanotecnologie