Completed Projects

EMN-Q European Metrology Network for Quantum Technologies

QN Quantum Metrology and Nanotechnologies
Logo 3DNano

The overall goal 3DNano - Traceable three-dimensional nanometrology  project is to meet current and future requirements for traceabl


AdvManuNet - Support for a European Metrology Network on advanced manufacturing

AE - Division of Applied metrology and Engineering
Aeromet II logo

Advanced Aerosol Metrology for Atmospheric Science and Air Quality

Advanced Materials Metrology and Life Sciences

ATM - Air Temperature Metrology


ATtitude Optical Monitor

Applied metrology and Engineering
Bemagic image

Magnetoelectrics Beyond 2020: A Training Programme on Energy-Efficient Magnetoelectric Nanomaterials for Advanced Information and Healthcare Technologies


ChipS·CALe - Self-calibrating photodiodes for the radiometric linkage to fundamental constants

QN Metrologia quantistica e nanotecnologie

Increasing the comparability of extreme air temperature measurements for meteorology and climate studies


Two dimensional lattices of covalent- and metal-organic frameworks for the Quantum Hall resistance standard

Quantum Metrology and Nanotechnology