Mass Laboratory
Massa malengo

The laboratory calibrates mass standards and weights in the range from 1 mg to 500 kg. It also performs calibrations of precision scales.

The best-extended uncertainties of mass standards are less than 1/5 of the maximum permissible error for class E1, according to OIML document R 111.

Measurements of the magnetic properties of mass standards are also made, verifying the limits prescribed by OIML document R 111.

The laboratory also calibrates the volume and density of class E1 standards using the hydrostatic weighing method for standards up to 50 kg.

Finally, the measurement of the centre of gravity of mass standards and artefacts of any shape is performed, with an improved uncertainty of 1 µm.

Periodic inter-laboratory comparisons are organised for mass samples and scales calibration.

For more information, see the inter-laboratory comparisons section.
