Completed projects
Elenco progetti
EMN-Q European Metrology Network for Quantum Technologies
QN Quantum Metrology and Nanotechnologies
Memristive devices as quantum standard for nanometrology
Advanced Materials Metrology and Life Sciences
Detection of single photons in the microwave range
QN Metrologia quantistica e nanotecnologie
Two dimensional lattices of covalent- and metal-organic frameworks for the Quantum Hall resistance standard
Quantum Metrology and Nanotechnology
SuperQuant - Microwave metrology for superconducting quantum circuits
QN Metrologia quantistica e nanotecnologie
QuantumPower- Quantum traceability for AC power standards
QN Metrologia quantistica e nanotecnologie
Validation methods of electrical energy meters
QN Metrologia quantistica e nanotecnologie