History of the library
foto biblioteca

The Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM) library was born by merging the library collections of the former National Electrotechnical Institute Galileo Ferraris and the former Metrology Institute Gustavo Colonnetti. It represents a specialised reference and documentation centre at the national level in metrology, applied physics, materials science and recently nanotechnology, and has an interesting historical-scientific heritage.

Since 2012, its historical part has been joined by the Digital Library, consisting of online collections of specialised scientific periodicals and open-access publications.

The library network

The INRiM library is a member of Cobis, the Turin Coordination of Specialised Libraries and collaborates with the Piedmont section of the AIB, the Italian Library Association, in the organisation of training events and focus groups.

The library services
  • On-site consultation of printed periodicals and books, online access to digital resources, wi-fi network.
  • Research and supply of scientific articles not in possession of the library. Articles can be requested by email or by subscribing to NILDE, software for the Document Delivery service.
  • Library loan (books only) is restricted to internal users. Thesis students and trainees can borrow books by having the library receipt signed by their internal contact person.