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Radiochemistry and Spectroscopy Laboratory
Laboratorio di Radiochimica e Spettroscopia wide

The Radiochemistry and Spectroscopy Laboratory is located within the Department of Chemistry of the University of Pavia, close to the Applied Nuclear Energy Laboratory (LENA).

The infrastructure, health surveillance services and installed instrumentation allow the development and application of analytical methods based on neutron activation and gamma spectrometry for the determination of more than sixty elements of the periodic table with relative uncertainty in the range of 1-10% and detection limits in terms of mass fractions in the range 10-6 - 10-12. In addition to the common equipment found in an analytical chemistry laboratory, three measurement chains for gamma spectrometry are available, two of which are equipped with an automatic sample replacement system.

Neutron irradiations are carried out in the channels of the University of Pavia's Triga Mark II nuclear research reactor operating at LENA.


Giancarlo D'Agostino