Domenico Giordano
Successful implementation of a Smart Electrical Grid requires the development and implementation of a suitable metrological measurement infrastructure. The key challenge lies in achieving a better understanding of the behaviour of the grids and the subsequent development of measurement tools for observing and controlling the grid. This includes tools for monitoring grid stability directly contributing to the security of electricity supply, tools for determining grid quality, and revenue metering systems ensuring fair trade between commercial parties employing the grid.
This Excellence Course will provide an extensive overview of the general measurement challenges related to smart electricity grids together with in-depth training on selected key measurement topics, considering the grid evolution in the contest of the ongoing energy transition.
The course has been conceived and is part of the training actions of the European Metrology Network on Smart Electricity grids, which is an infrastructure promoted by EURAMET (the European Association of National Metrology institutes). It is structured in 25 hours and will be held by 5 Scientists from 4 different European National Metrology Institutes.
i) Basics on metrology and measurement uncertainty (Dr Cristian Mester, METAS, CH)
ii) Overview of Smart electricity grids and their measurement challenges (Prof. Gert Rietveld, University of Twente, VSL, NL)
iii) Power and energy measurement techniques (Dr Domenico Giordano, INRIM, IT);
iv) Measurements for the grid efficiency (Prof. Gert Rietveld, University of Twente, VSL, NL)
v) Power quality measurement and phasor measurement units for grid control and monitoring (Dr Guglielmo Frigo, METAS, CH)
vi) Timing and synchronisation in Smart Grids (Dr Jari Hällström, MIKES-VTT, FI)
vii) Instrument transformers and low power output sensors for grid current and voltage measurements (Dr Domenico Giordano, INRIM, IT)
viii) High-voltage testing technique (Dr Jari Hällström, MIKES-VTT FI)