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The access setting defines whether or not the attachment is visible to users consulting METRICA. It is determined by the publisher's policy and the type of contract authors have signed when publishing, elements that authors must check when uploading the attachment.


Visible to all

Select this option to make the attachment visible for Open Access on METRICA.




Select this option to delay the attachment's visibility. 

Many publishers require authors to set an embargo period of varying length before making their publications available for Open Access. Some have embargo periods that vary from journal to journal, such as the following publishers:


Oxford University Press:

However, the embargo period is listed for each journal on the Sherpa Romeo website.



End of embargo date:

enter the date by calculating it from the first online publication date of the article.

If you have selected the option "embargo", in the next section (Licence selection) select one of the following two options:

Public - All Rights Reserved" or "CC Licences".

The usage licence is public, but the article will remain confidential until the embargo expires, when it will automatically be made visible in METRICA.



Recognised users

Please select this option to make the attachment visible for Open Access only to IRIS-authenticated users.



Archive administrators only

Please select this option when you can't make the attachment visible in Open Access on METRICA.