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PiQuET - Piemonte Quantum Enabling Technology - is an applied research Infrastructure, an innovative, competitive and cutting-edge tool for developing new lines of research to address scientific challenges and engineering problems in the field of quantum, micro and nano devices.

PiQuET stands as a reference center for quantum technologies and micro and nano-manufacturing, also thanks to the union between a stimulating environment and the know-how of scientists, engineers and industrial partners.

Corridoio – Clean Room PiQuET

The Infrastructure was born from a project financed by the POR FESR 2014-2020 of the Piedmont Region, coordinated by Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM) with the participation of the Department of Applied Sciences and Technologies of the Politecnico di Torino and the Department of Physics of the Università degli Studi di Torino.

PiQuET’s goal is to act as an enabling tool for development of ambitious research's lines in favor of the scientific community and industrial innovation.

The Infrastructure

The Infrastructure has:

  • A 400 m2 Clean Room in ISO5 and ISO6 class with six technological areas:
  1. Quantum devices;
  2. Characterization of nanostructures and devices;
  3. Optical/Electronic/Ionic Lithography;
  4. Etching and thin film deposition;
  5. Packaging;
  6. Wet chemistry.
  • A Metrology and quantum communication laboratory;
  • A Microfluidics laboratory;
  • An Additive manufacturing laboratory.
PiQuET excellences
  • Qualified personnel of INRiM, Politecnico di Torino and Università degli Studi di Torino; 
  • Design, fabrication and characterisation of quantum metrology devices;
  • Growth, characterisation and processing of micro and nanoscale materials for the fabrication of MEMS, microsensors and Lab-On-Chip.

The technological capabilities of the Infrastructure and staff are applied and developed in the fields of metrology, communication, sensing, biomedical, energy and environmental monitoring, industrial systems and additive manufacturing.

PiQuET is part of It-FAB, the Italian network of research infrastructures in the field of nanotechnology.

Wet Chemistry – PiQuET
  • Infrastructure's access and training
  • Support to the development of new micro and nanostructured materials
  • Support to the measurement and characterisation of devices for on-demand applications
  • Support for the design and development of functional devices and components
Access mode
  • Services provided by internal staff
  • Autonomous or assisted use


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