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INRiM and Politecnico di Torino collaborate in an innovative research that opens new scenarios for the development of increasingly secure anti-counterfeiting technologies
The Italian National Metrology Institute collects expressions of interest for the assignment of the role of Scientific Director
The August 2024 update of the World Top 2% Scientists includes INRiM among the world’s top scientists
EURAMET reports the results of the INCIPIT project, coordinated by INRiM, which developed new calibration methods for non-catching precipitation gauges
The workshop will provide a broad overview of the supercapacitor technology and testing, along with related applications.
As part of the celebrations of World Metrology Day 2024, INRiM is organizing a conference with the aim of presenting the contribution of metrology in support of agrifood and climate sustainability
European Network for Mathematics and Statistics in Metrology (EMN Mathmet) publishes its Strategic Research Agenda 2023-2033
An article by researchers from INRiM and Politecnico di Torino illustrates the innovative approach for calibrating large batches of MEMS sensors