INRiM opens the "INRiM Seminars", a series of conferences held by INRiM researchers and by speakers from national and international Institutes, promoted with the aim of increasing the exchange of knowledge, synergies and scientific collaborations.
Participation is free and open to all.
On July 24, 2023, at 2:00 pm, in the Conference Room of Building M (floor -1), at the Campus INRiM, in Strada delle Cacce 91, Torino, Matthew Taylor Hummon – Time & Frequency Division, NIST – will hold the seminar “Microfabricated vapor cells for integrated precision spectroscopy”.
It’s also possible to follow the seminar by connecting to this GoogleMeet link:
Title: “Microfabricated vapor cells for integrated precision spectroscopy”
Abstract: I will present work on precision spectroscopy using microfabricated atomic vapor cells and discuss developments toward integration with nano-photonics for chip-scale atomic devices. Recently, there has been renewed interest in compact optical frequency references based on two-photon spectroscopy of rubidium.
I will discuss our group’s work on our Rb two-photon project towards improvements to short term instability using low noise probe lasers and to long term instability using signal processing to suppress light shifts.
I will also discuss the development of high temperature microfabricated vapor cells for strontium spectroscopy.
Speaker: Matthew Taylor Hummon – Time & Frequency Division, NIST
When: July 24, 2023, 2:00 pm
Where: Conference Room, Building M, Floor -1