Manufacturing underpins today’s standard of life as all products are ultimately produced industrially, form combustion engines to cellular phones. The advanced manufacturing is the manufacturing that exploits the most advanced knowledge and technologies to produce unprecedented products or products with unprecedented performance. It is key for high competitiveness with other industrialised countries.
Euramet, the European association of national metrology institutes, has identified some topics transversal to the conventional metrology disciplines categorised by physical quantities as particularly relevant for the years to come. The EMNs (European Metrology Networks) are focussed on such topics. To promote their establishment, Euramet is funding some special projects (JNP – Joint Network Project) aiming at establishing EMNs focussing on specific topics. Among them, the AdvManuNet project has the objective of fostering the EMN on advanced manufacturing, with an ambition of achieving recognition as the European point of reference for metrology in advance manufacturing and a requirement of being sustainable. The EMN was officially approved in June 2021 and established by 18 National Metrology Institutes and Designed Institutes. The EMN AdvanceManu is structured with three sections to cover the whole product lifecycle: 1. Advanced materials, 2. Smart production systems, 3. Manufactured components and products. The EMN challenges are now the edition of a Strategic Research Agenda with a roadmap for the research in the area, and of a Strategic Agenda identifying the way to sustainability of the EMN.
The INRIM is among the funding partners and chairs the Section 3. In the AdvManuNet project, it leads the work package 3 Dialogue with the stakeholders.